Organisational Design and Change Management
The objective of organisational design is to ensure organisations have the right people, with the right skills, doing the right work in the right way, in the right numbers, with real alignment to achieve the strategic objectives.
At People Wise HR, we will take the pressure away by fully understanding your business and work in partnership with you to create an end to end solution to support you and your business to achieve your ultimate goals.
Our level of involvement can be tailored to meet your individual needs; either an end to end solution or utilised as an expert sounding board to ensure no opportunities are missed.
Change Management
We recognise that in order to successfully deliver on any business transformation, including organisational design, it’s important to help bring your teams on the journey, and to embed changes fully, whether that be across People, Processes, or Systems.
At People Wise HR, we can support you in navigating business change, by delivering effective People Change strategies. This includes identifying practical steps and opportunities to help create a smooth transition to new ways of working, embedded fully into your organisation.
With significant expertise in culture and engagement, performance measurement and organisational restructuring, we will work with you to deliver both short-term and long-term results.
Get in touch if you’d like to hear more!